From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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Leverage the support of allies

Leverage the support of allies

- When I talk to clients about things they can do to practice allyship, I always mention that they can participate in ERGs that do not necessarily align with their social identity. I can tell you I have gotten more than a few terrified looks at this response. Wouldn't I just make everyone else uncomfortable? What would I do there? What if people think I'm just a fraud? It can be scary to step into a new space but one of the best ways to learn about the needs of marginalized groups and act to create change in those areas may be right in front of you. It can be outside of someone's comfort zone to be one of the only people with that background in the group, but it's important to encourage people from different backgrounds to be brave enough to participate in this kind of allyship. Leveraging the support from allies consists of identifying sponsors and mentors, networking for resources within the organization, and creating…
