From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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Get buy-in from your colleagues

- So you want to turn the key to start an employee resource group, or maybe it already exists, but the energy began to sputter out and now you want to rev it up. Well, just like a car, an ERG is going to need fuel to keep it moving. Now, when you go to the gas station, do you just grab any available nozzle and pump your gas? No. You have to make sure you're giving the car the right kind of fuel, the kind that will make sure the engine starts and keeps going the distance. Here are some ways you can get buy-in from your colleagues to help support your ERG. Number one, talk to people. And number two, listen to people. Number three, build a network. And four, create a sense of ownership. Now, before I get into these four strategies, I need to add a warning label here. And what it says in big, bold letters is: don't go it alone. These strategies can really work, but the sustainability of your ERG depends on you…
