From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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ERGs increase overall business capacity

ERGs increase overall business capacity

- We discussed in the previous video that participating in employee resource groups can benefit individuals by providing access to skill development, a strong professional network, and most importantly, a sense of community. Now, let's see the impact of ERGs on the business as a whole. More than ever before, diversity matters. People want to work in diverse companies, and they want to know that they will experience inclusion in those companies when they do. Having a thriving ERG serves as an invaluable recruitment asset. According to a report from the Society of Human Resource Management, 90% of companies examined said ERGs help make new hires more comfortable during the onboarding process, and 70% of organizations relied on ERGs to build a workforce to reflect the demographics of their customer base. ERGs promote productivity and engagement. A study featured in the Harvard Business Review found that employees that…
