From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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ERGs drive leadership development

ERGs drive leadership development

- While comfort zone experiences can be a great benefit to its members, your ERG is an important asset in their professional growth as well. ERGs offer leadership development opportunities through workshop facilitation and public speaking and support and guidance from potential mentors. They also are amazing at expanding professional networks. I had this client in a very male-dominated industry who was eventually able to create a women's ERG after consistently identifying the need women had for connection. There were so few women in the company, that nearly every woman was the one and only on their team. Once they started the ERG, they met consistently, forming relationships with women in different roles and across different departments. They also mentored and sponsored each other. Then one day, a woman that was a part of the ERG was in a team meeting. Like so many of her female colleagues, she was the only woman on her team.…
