From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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Develop a solid operational structure

Develop a solid operational structure

- Just like any other well-functioning arm of your organization, an employee resource group benefits from a solid infrastructure. Of course, any infrastructure is only as strong as the people and resources in it. While there are many models for ERG leadership, having people feel these key roles can make the work broader, clearer, and lighter for everyone. Principal leadership, communications, finances, membership engagement, talent acquisition partner, and executive sponsor or sponsors. I recommend that the role of principal leadership be shared by two people. These individuals are going to be the drivers of the vision and strategy behind the ERG. They will serve as primary liaison between the ERG and sponsors, other advisors, and executives, they'll lead meetings, and they'll coach others on the ERG leadership team, and may at times serve as spokespeople for the organization. This could be a heavy lift for one person as…
