From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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Avoiding burnout

Avoiding burnout

- Burnout. Unfortunately, the term comes with a load of stigma and yet a recent study by Deloitte found that up to 77% of employees have experienced burnout and 50% have experienced it repeatedly. So let's talk about it. Being a member of a marginalized group can often create an additional level of stress in the workplace. You may recall from an earlier video that imposter syndrome, stereotype threat and the burden of feeling like you have to represent your entire group can definitely add to your levels of exhaustion. Your job may already require quite a lot of time, energy and focus to stay in balance with the rest of your life. Developing your employee resource group can seem like a daunting task in light of what else is already on your plate. Take a deep breath. (instructor inhaling) (instructor exhaling) Acknowledging where you are and what you can reasonably do is okay. You aren't letting everyone down if…
