From the course: Designing for Virtual Reality

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VR workflow: An iterative and efficient process

VR workflow: An iterative and efficient process

From the course: Designing for Virtual Reality

VR workflow: An iterative and efficient process

- When designing for virtual reality, you want to ensure that you're set up for a flexible and rapid process that allows the full team to respond to user data. For this reason, I highly recommend including your designers, researchers, and developers in a series of whole team design sprints. Let me explain what that looks like. This starts with the kickoff sprint. This sprint includes four important tasks. First, a collaborative ideation session, where you'll summarize discovery data and bring the whole team up to speed. Second, as a team, you'll form preliminary principles that will drive the design process. Third, you'll work together to brainstorm ideas for the full VR design. And finally, you can draft a plan for your first concept testing session with users. After concept testing data is gathered, the full team can convene again for a design sprint. The focus of this sprint is to work together to develop the first low fidelity prototype. The sprint could last anywhere from one…
