From the course: Designing for Virtual Reality

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Preliminary user testing

Preliminary user testing

- Gathering data from users is an integral piece of a user-centered design, but how and when should we be gathering user data? As you visit the user-centered design cycle, you'll see some opportunities for capturing user data multiple times during the design cycle. One opportunity is during concept testing. It provides you with the ability to share your design ideas directly with your users to gain valuable feedback. You can invite users to talk with you about your idea, or to experience a very preliminary concept, and get their thoughts. Often concept testing will help you decide how to move forward with your design. For instance, a user familiar with the content may tell you why they think your design will not work, or how it might not work for certain users. Concept testing is a great time to invite users to provide examples, and context about their feedback, and sometimes even to ask them to share their experiences with other technologies or systems. This will help you not only…
