From the course: Designing a Presentation

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- [Instructor] Type can be something of a thorny issue in presentations, as its use is generally what determines how it is used. In science, training, and academia, where information is going to be onscreen for a very long time, then much more text will be present than in something like a pitch for business. Now, just on a side note, if you think this slide is something of a parody, well, it kind of is. But actually, I copied it from a slide (laughing) I actually saw in a training demo a few years ago. There you are. In both cases, the general rule for type should be less is more, but in business, it's a lot less, sometimes even a single word. In business decks and edutainment decks, and by that I mean things like TED Talks, for example, the main aim of the slides are to support what you are saying, and no text at all is often preferable. Too much text and your audience is forced to make a choice between listening to you and reading the slide. It's a tough call. So when you do have…
