From the course: Designing a Presentation

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- [Instructor] Let's talk about space. Okay, well, not really the space I had in mind, but we'll run with it. It's actually perhaps the more terrifying space of a blank slide that we need to talk about here. How do we go about placing our elements to create a pleasing layout? Let's examine two kinds of space, positive space that is occupied and negative space that isn't. It's important here not to be too literal. Of course, in the image you are looking at right now, there is content in the negative space, but that content could be considered inactive in the entire composition. It should be relatively easy to identify the positive space against the negative. It sounds like a fairly simple principle, but how do we employ it when we are building our presentation layouts? One way is to use a plan that has worked for hundreds of years for artists, dividing the space up into smaller chunks. Perhaps the easiest and most accessible of those is a rule-of-thirds grid that simply divides up the…
