From the course: Designing a Poster


- [Instructor] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to Designing a Poster. This course is a revision of my 2009 course. This time, rather than exploring multiple design options for a single poster, I've chosen to showcase different posters. There's a gig poster for a band, a public information poster, a poster for a play, as well as for a lecture, a fashion show, a Bike to Work event, and a poster featuring a collection of items. In exploring different poster styles, I've tried to apply the unifying principle of keeping things simple. Each poster is built upon a single strong idea that is a vehicle for demonstrating useful design techniques in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. The end of print and the demise of the poster has been predicted for years and yet designers keep printing and they keep making posters to promote an event, advertise a product, or advance a point of view. Let's get started.
