From the course: Designing a Poster

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Preparing for print

Preparing for print

- [Instructor] So now the final step of this first iteration of the Bike To Work poster, I want to make a print-ready PDF with printer marks. So I'm going to come to the File menu and choose Save a Copy, change the format to Adobe PDF, and I don't need the word copy at the end of that, so I'm just going to delete that. And then click Save. For preset, I'm going to use Press Quality. I don't need to preserve Illustrator editing capabilities so I'm going to turn that off. And then Marks and Bleeds, I am going to turn on Trim Marks, Registration Marks, and Use Document Bleed Settings. Of course, always check with your printer to find out exactly how they would like to receive the PDF, but this is fairly standard. So I'm now going to click Save and I'm not worried about that, so I'll click OK. And let's just view this in Full Screen Mode, Command-L, and there is the first of our finished Bike To Work posters.
