From the course: Designing a Poster

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Adding type

Adding type

- [Instructor] Next, I'm going to add the text to our public information poster. I have this in a separate text file. I'm going to select the text, copy it, and then come to Illustrator. And I'll create a new layer for the type. I'll choose my Type tool, and I'm going to paste it onto that layer. Let's come and lock all of the other layers. I'll hold down my Alt key and click in the locking column of the type layer, and that's going to lock everything but that layer. So I'm going to zoom in on this text. Now I want to use type that is as tall as possible, but at the same time I can fit it on the page, so I want to use a very condensed, or even more than condensed: compressed typeface. I'm going to use one of the narrowest typefaces that I can find on Typekit. It's called Balboa ExtraCondensed. And I'm going to scale that up somewhat. So this is a very condensed sans-serif typeface. Let's make it white. And because it's so condensed, I think I want to just space out the characters…
