From the course: Designing a Poster

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Adding type

Adding type

- [Instructor] All right, in part two of our newspaper blackout theater poster, I'm going to add the type. The text for my type is in a text file, which I'm going to select. Command or Control-C to copy. Come to Photoshop, get my Type tool, click onto my canvas, Command or Control-V to paste it. I'll now press Command or Control-A to select it all, and we'll just size it up somewhat. Now, I need to roughly match the size of my type with the size of the newsprint beneath it. I'm going to use Times as my font, because it seems like a classic newspaper font. What we're looking at on the newsprint is not Times, but that's okay, it's going to be blacked out by the time we're done. Let's zoom in on this large enough, and then reposition this. Select it, and I'm just going to click into my type size and nudge this up so that we're making it more or less the same size. And while we're here, let's also take a look at some other options on the Character panel. I'd like to use optical kerning…
