From the course: Designing a Poster

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Adding the tiles and effects

Adding the tiles and effects

From the course: Designing a Poster

Adding the tiles and effects

- [Narrator] So we come to part two of creating the two-letter Scrabble Words poster. And in the first part, we placed the text file in a sequence of text frames. And now, I'm going to change the appearance of each of those text frames. In my CC Libraries, I have this piece of artwork. It is blank Scrabble tile. I'm going to just put that onto my paste board. I downloaded this from Google Images. It's not supplied in the exercise files, but you can do the same. And I'll give you the breakdown of the color just as soon as I've sampled it if you don't want to do that. So I got to use this to sample the color. I'll get my eye-dropper tool. And then just click on that. Come to my Swatches panel, add that color to my Swatches panel. It's currently an RGB color 'cause it was sampled from an RGB image. I'll change the color mode to CMYK. And I'm just going to round these numbers off. So we have a color of three, 30, 65, zero. I can now delete that. I'll come and select my frame. Apply that…
