From the course: Designing a Poster

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Adding images from Adobe Stock

Adding images from Adobe Stock

From the course: Designing a Poster

Adding images from Adobe Stock

- [Instructor] So part three of gig poster is to add this illustration of a rabbit. This is an Adobe Stock image. It is in your exercise files. It's a vector illustration. I'm going to select it, copy it, come to my work in progress and paste it. Now, on my layers panel, I have this option chosen, paste remembers layers. So it came from layer one and it gets pasted to layer one. I'll just change the name of that layer and then I'm going to move it down beneath the title. I want to use an orange color for this. Now when I do so, you'll see that we get this odd effect. And it looks like we've made it negative. It's the way the orange and red are combining with each other. Now I like the way it looks on the ears, but on the face, we're losing the definition in the eyes and the nose. So to get around this, I am going to make this into a compound shape. I'm going to draw myself a circle over it. So I position my cursor at the center of the rabbit's face, hold down my option or alt key and…
