From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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The importance of curiosity in design thinking

The importance of curiosity in design thinking

- A few years ago, I was working with a pretty large company that was doing an update to their video conferencing platform. The team consisted of all men pretty much around the same age, give or take a decade or so. They did a few rounds of testing on the platform as an internal team, and then they pushed the updated version out into the world. Not more than a day later, they received tons and tons of complaints that whenever there was a female speaking on the video conferencing platform, her voice was unable to be heard because it was drowned out by the male voices. The audio filters were selecting for a deeper, louder voice of men over the typically higher frequencies of the female voice. This was not even something that they had caught by doing testing previous to sending out the updated version into the world. Why? Well, because they only really thought about design from their perspective, which was very limited because it included no females. They lacked empathic curiosity to…
