From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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- Let's chat about being consciously curious, like what architect and urban planner Riccardo Marini does. He listened, and he was curious about everyone and everything. No ignoring stuff or forcing our own agenda, you know? So, to get the hang of it, let's start with the basics by using an acronym that I came up with. I'm using this word SHOES as if we're getting into another person's shoes. Okay, let's start with this, step one, S slow down. Then, you need to H, hold space for others. The O is for observe, E, empathy, and then S, see things from a different point of view. Okay, so imagine you're part of a team developing a new project management app, and it aims to revolutionize collaboration in the workplace. To ensure that the product meets a diverse need of users, you decide to embrace the SHOES approach. Step one, slow down. At the beginning of the project, team members are really excited to dive into feature development. However, you suggest slowing down to conduct really…
