From the course: Design Powered by Data: Getting Started with UX Web Analytics

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Funnel analysis with Google Analytics 4

Funnel analysis with Google Analytics 4

- [Instructor] I'm sure thousands of visitors land on your company's website every day, but somehow only a fraction of that traffic converts. Why is that? This is where funnel analysis shines, as it can give life to your user journey map and help you polish your user experience. In this lesson, you're going to learn how to build, customize, and analyze funnels in Google Analytics 4, and all the intricacies involved in the process. In the exercise files I shared earlier, you're going to find the link to this Google support page. Here, you'll be able to access a number of Google Analytics demo accounts, which have dummy data that you can experiment with. Once you scroll down and select the web data option, you're going to land in the Google Analytics 4 interface. There are a lot of functionalities, but since this is not a course about Google Analytics, we're solely going to focus on funnel analysis. To do that, hover over…
