From the course: Deploying Django Apps: Make Your Site Go Live

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Deploying on Heroku

Deploying on Heroku

- [Instructor] Heroku is heavily integrated with Git, meaning that if we're ever going to push something or deploy with Heroku, we have to have a project, that is a Git project. So, what we're going to do inside of our project here, do an ls. Make sure you can see your manage dot py. That means you're in the correct location. We're going to go ahead and type out git init. This is going to initialize our repository. Now that we have that, let's go ahead and add all our code into our Git. Say Git add dash A, and we'll do a a Git commit dash m. We'll say first commit. So, now, we have a Git repository, and we've added all of our code and committed that. And then, what we're going to do is now create our Heroku app. And this is what's so amazing about all of this. All we have to do is just type Heroku create. And look at that, that cool, little animation. It says it's going to go out and create this. And then, we just say…
