From the course: Decision Intelligence

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Intuition and the value of clairvoyance

Intuition and the value of clairvoyance

From the course: Decision Intelligence

Intuition and the value of clairvoyance

- Let's talk about the value of clairvoyance. (light whimsical chiming) No, not psychic powers, and that kind of clairvoyance. The value of clairvoyance is a concept from decision analysis, which will help you think about how much effort, information, data to put towards your decision. The principle here is that a good decision maker doesn't overspend or underspend on a decision. There's no need to have perfectionism on low value decisions. Likewise, on high value decisions, don't underspend resources. Put an adequate amount of effort towards them. So how do you approach your decision making? First, it's worth doing a little bit of visualization about what sorts of reasonable best, and reasonable worst case scenarios could come out of your decision just to get a sense of what you're dealing with. Then once you've oriented yourself, time for the value of clairvoyance, simple exercise, but very, very helpful. Here's…
