From the course: Decision Intelligence

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- Ah, and now we get to a trait that is decisively important for decision makers. So picture this scene. You're at a waterpark and there's a really scary slide and it's going to take you an hour to stand in line. You're going to climb all these stairs, you're going to get to the top of it. You get to the top of it. You notice how tall it is, your heart flutters and you "nope" out of the slide. What's wrong with that situation and why is that indecisive? Well, simply put, I hold nothing against you if you've got fear of heights, but there was a right time to make that decision. And you had all the information about the slide, about yourself, when you were still at the ground before you spent a whole hour in line. It would've been a much better moment to make that decision carefully, without over-investing your precious time and resources. And find yourself making your decision at entirely the wrong point in time. So…
