From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Understanding graphical filtering

Understanding graphical filtering

- [Instructor] One of the powers of DC is graphical filtering. Often in systems your filters are set by typing something in or dragging and dropping a little pill into a location, but with DC you click the chart itself and hey, presto, you've applied a filter. Graphical filtering like this is highly intuitive and makes for a good user experience. We're going to add a bubble chart to our Dashboard now, so we'll begin with Dashboard 1, and unsurprisingly save it as dashboard2. And we need to change our div.column width to be 33, because we're going to have three columns. And the closest column we have is the one without the table in it, so we can paste that one in. And our bubble chart's going to show the relationship between Total and tip. And we'll be using a variable name of bubbleChart. So we can go into bubbleChart and copy and paste our declaration there. And I'm going to put it at the bottom, but it's going to appear in the middle, and that's because it's not the order of the DC…
