From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Understanding common attributes

Understanding common attributes

- [Instructor] I'm going to take you through some of the DC documentation, and I find this site to be the single most helpful site in understanding and making sense of DC. It's surprisingly hard to find this site through Google results for some reason, so it's a good idea to bookmark it. Now you might have noticed that some parameters can be set for all chart types, while others are specific to one particular chart type. Group and dimension, for example, are common to all charts. Radius and render area, meanwhile, only work on a few. So I want to take you through the DC documentation and explain how to use it. First of all, under classes, we have details of all the chart types. There are about 20 listed here, and not all of them are charts. We have number display, which is literally a number displayed in large font, and we have data table, which is what we've just seen, a table. So they're not all charts, but the classes are available to you and they all have something in common. So…
