From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Making a scatter plot

Making a scatter plot

- [Instructor] We're looking at a basic scatter plot. Now you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is a scatter plot, and it is a version, the two of them are related. Both of them plot one numerical series against another, but in the data vis community, a scatter plot uses symbols, while a bubble chart uses circles of different sizes and different colors. Right now, we're going to look at the relationship between total spent and tip size with a scatter plot. So let's go to Atom and we're going to start with our line chart rather than our pie chart document, and the reason for this is the line chart has an X and a Y-axis, and it's what we might think of as a grid-based chart, and a scatter plot is similarly grid-based, it has an X and a Y axis, which means it has more in common with a line chart than it does with a pie chart. So we can save that as scatter plot. And update some of our html, we're just updating the titles, really, the important bit of html, which is this div, doesn't…
