From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Making a data table with bootstrap

Making a data table with bootstrap

- [Instructor] There are times when only a table will do. If we look at this DC example we can see lots of different charts, each representing a dimension, and generally one or more fields from the dataset, so we have gains and loss aggregated, we have data grouped here by quarter, by day of the week. The only component on the page that shows you all of the fields and all of the rows, is this data table here, and actually it doesn't show us all of the rows, it shows us the first 10, we'll see why that is in a bit. The other benefit of using a table like this is when we do come on to applying filters in Chapter Four, you see that above the data table, we can apply a selected row count, out of all row counts, and that's a very useful feature as well. Now notice also that this first row shown here is in blue, and it contains different data to all the other rows, which contain a Date and an Open and a Close and a Change, this one only contains an aggregated Date, and we'll come on to that…
