From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Making a bubble chart

Making a bubble chart

- [Instructor] Bubble chart can convey an enormous amount of data. We're showing x and y values with the position of the bubble. We're conveying a third value with the size of the bubble, which ranges from fairly small to pretty large, and bubbles can also be colored on a fourth value. So, bubble charts can reach parts that other charts just can't reach. To make one of these we can keep most of the settings from our scatter plot. And in the this case we're even going to keep our cross-filter declarations, scatterDimension and scatterGroup, because bubble charts work in the same way. So, we can update our variable name to be bubble, and then we're calling the class bubbleChart, and we can update our variable name down there. Now, although we use many of the same settings, symbolSize and symbol are obsolete. They are specific to scatter plots, so we don't need those. Now, until now we've only needed a .x value, but now we're going to set .r and .y. Now, .y actually is optional. I'm just…
