From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

Finding a code editor

- [Instructor] In this course, we'll be using a code editor called Atom, and a browser, too, in my case Firefox. Atom is free, and available for both Macs and PCs. If you don't already have software for editing code, please download Atom now. You're also going to need a browser to see the files that we create. If you're using Firefox, you can access what you need through Tools, Web Developer, Web Console. From here, you can see the Javascript console and the DOM tree. Now yours might look different to mine because I'm using an extension called Firebug, so the tab headings might be different for you. For example, if you're using Firefox without Firebug, your DOM tree tab will be called Inspector, and not HTML. It's absolutely fine to use a different browser such as Chrome, as long as you can access these two things. In several browsers, the console and the DOM are accessed via developer tools.
