From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Filtering with brush

Filtering with brush

- [Instructor] Now we're going to modify our dashboard and add a line chart to it and see how the default behaviors work on that. So let's begin by making a copy of our dashboard and then we're going to copy and paste our original lineChart into that dashboard. So for lineChart we can say and this is our original lineChart that doesn't have an attached range chart with it. So there's that declaration and it uses dateDimension and dateGroup. We'll take off the stack for now. Let's check that we have dateDimension and dateGroup. There's dateDimension. And we'll return So it's going to be a lineChart over time showing the total spend. And we'll make our width suitably shorter, like so. And we're using two variables here, minDate and maxDate, which aren't specified so let's copy that and we'll pop it up by the dimension definitions. So this bit's not actually for the table. It's going to be for our line chart, like so. Now we're going to need to change our html a bit, so we've…
