From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Complementing DC with D3

Complementing DC with D3

- [Instructor] One of the few remaining classes that we haven't looked at yet is the bubbleOverlay class. And the point of this class is to position circles on top of an existing chart, and then size the circles according to a value. So in this example, this is a bubbleOverlay, and the circles are sized by some crime statistic for Canada. But this example is rather misleading, because here we have a map of Canada with bubbleOverlay on top of it. And so you would think that we're using a DC geo choropleth chart here, with bubbleOverlay on top of it. And in fact it turns out that's not possible. The bubbleOverlay class will only work on top of charts that use the coordinateGridMixin. And the shortcut for working that out is whether they have axes or not. So a chart, such as a bar chart or a line chart that has a X and a Y axis is bubbleOverlay's friend. But a map like this does not, and therefore will not. So you might ask yourself how then this graphic has been created. And it turns…
