From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Checking the DOM

Checking the DOM

- [Female] When a browser loads a webpage, such as this rather boring blank webpage that we have here, it creates a document object model or DOM of the page. This model of the webpage is constructed as a tree of objects. Confusingly, in FireFox or FireBug, the best way to explore the DOM is the HTML tab, not the DOM tab over there. We can open and close parts of the page to drill down and as we hover over parts of the page they get highlighted which will become very useful later on. So here we have head and body and if we drill into body we can see that we have our empty div and we can see our various script references that we have. Three of them pulling in external files and then the final one which has got print filter and some data and some console.log commands. If we click on an element, such as the div, on the right hand side we can see the related css style declarations under the style tab there. Some declarations will be made at the div level. And some will be inherited from…
