From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

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Adding finishing touches with filterPrinter & numberDisplay

Adding finishing touches with filterPrinter & numberDisplay - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: DC.js for Data Science Essential Training

Adding finishing touches with filterPrinter & numberDisplay

- [Instructor] Now we're looking again at the official DC example, which is NASDAQ data, and this time, I want you to look up by the title of the chart as I apply a filter. So there's one filter, and can you see it now says range, and it gives the minimum and maximum numeric values for the range that I've selected? And if I do the same thing on a time series axis, we get a similar output. It tells me that the range is from some point in '98 to some point in 2004, and I'm going to show you how to do that in our Dashboard. We can do this without using any DC classes just by declaring some HTML, so we'll do it first with our type chart, and what you do is say span mass is reset, style is display none, and within the span tags, we'll say range. You could say anything you like, and then we put another span in, and this one has a class of filter, like so, and we leave it empty, because DC is going to fill it in for us. So what we have here is a span within a span. The inner span has a class…
