From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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The client-server model

The client-server model

- Before we turn our attention to installing some software, there's one more concept that we need to dive into. All relational database management systems operate on a client server model. This means that there's two components that work together to form a complete system. First is the database server. This is the component that performs all of the relational database management work. The server is where your data is structured, stored and secured. The second component is the client. It's the interface that allows users to connect to the server to send commands and control it's operation. This interface can be a command line or a text based interface, or a graphical interface, or a custom written application that's specifically tailored to the needs of the user. If you think about these two components like parts of a car, the server is the vehicle's engine. It's where all of the work is performed that moves the car…
