From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Solution: Create a server container

Solution: Create a server container

(exciting techno music) - [Instructor] I hope you were able to go through the challenge and create a new container for another database server on your system. Let's walk through the solution together. Now, the first thing that I want to do is just verify that Docker is running. So I'll take a look down here at my little system tray, and I can see that the icon is there and it says. "Docker desktop is running." So now I can open up my PowerShell window. And again, if you're on a Mac or a Linux computer, you'd use the terminal application for this. And I'm going to quickly take a look at my Docker containers just to see what's here currently. So I'll run Docker PS, and that shows me the names here. And again, this is just wrapping onto multiple lines. Let's stretch this out here. So I can see, I have two containers, PostgresSQL, and SQLServer2019. And these are the names, so these need to be unique. So any container…
