From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Explore the server’s contents

Explore the server’s contents

- [Instructor] The contents of each of the database servers can be explored using the Connection sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. Now, I've gone ahead and closed any open tabs and the terminal window so that we can focus on this portion of the interface. For SQL Server, we have three main folders: Databases, Security, and Server Objects. Databases is exactly that. This is where all of the individual databases that the server contains will go. This includes the one that we created ourselves as well as any system databases that SQL Server uses to manage itself. Inside of each of the database folders, you'll find all of the components that make the database work. At the top of that list are the data tables. This is where your actual data will live. We also have other objects such as views, which are virtual tables that are made up of components of your main tables. The Programmability folder will store…
