From the course: Data Science Foundations: Data Mining in R

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Dataset: Spambase

Dataset: Spambase

- [Instructor] For our demonstrations of classification, we're going to be using the large dataset that is called spambase. And to show this to you I'm going to first load a few packages, including one that gives us some plotting options. The dataset spambase comes from the machine learning repository at the university of California, Irvine. This is the URL to that site. The spambase datasets URL is right here. Now you can download the data, we're using the one that's called I have already downloaded it in a way that saves the variable names, but you can download it doing this command if you'd like. I've already done that and saved it here in the data folder. So we can simply say import from data spambase.CSV, save it as a table into an object called DF. And you can see it's got 4,600 observations on 58 variables. Now let's look at the variable names. And you can see that they're cryptic. Each of these…
