From the course: Data Science Foundations: Data Mining in R

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Dataset: Penguins

Dataset: Penguins

- [Instructor] For our demonstrations on clustering, we're going to use a new data set called the penguins data set, or the Palmer penguins. To use this in R, you can simply load the palmerpenguins package. I'm going to load that. And you can get more information about this data set either through the R package or at this website. But I'm going to show you that the Palmer penguins dataset has two data sets in it. One is just penguins and it has size, and penguins_raw has a bunch more information. If you want to see the first data set and that's the one we're going to be using, it looks like this, species, island, and then various measurements on the penguins bodies as well as a factor for their sex. The raw data set has a lot more variables in it, but we're not going to be dealing with that one right now. What I'm going to do is I'm going to save the penguins dataset to an object called df, and by wrapping this command…
