From the course: Data Science Foundations: Data Mining in R

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- [Instructor] For our third and final demonstration of Association Rules of Mining, I want to do something completely different. And what it is, is Classification Based on Association or CBA. And this is actually a classification technique. It's used for assigning cases to this category or that category. The difference is, it does base on association rules that's the underlying method behind the classifications. And so I want to demonstrate how this works using a dataset we use for classification, the penguins data set from before. To do this I'm going to first load a few packages, including arulesCBA, that's for classification based on association as well as carrot, which lets us do a confusion matrix. So let's load those packages. We'll set the random seed and we'll import the penguins data that we wrangled previously. Here's the penguins data, you see we've got Y which is our class variable where we have three…
