From the course: Data Science Foundations: Data Mining in R

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Association analysis overview

Association analysis overview

- [Presenter] Association analysis also known as association rules mining is actually better known as a market basket analysis because it's used to figure out the things that people are going to buy when they're shopping in the market. The idea is you're trying to find some sort of, if this, then that, logic to build up rules. If a person buys an orange, what's the probability they'll buy a grape fruit? If they get both of those, what's the probability they'll get a lime or a lemon? And the ability to specify those rules, so as associations allows you, for instance, to place things near each other in the store or to offer an incentive, if you bought this, we'll give you a discount on this one over here. And so association analysis or association rules mining can be extraordinarily useful within commercial settings, but within many other situations. I'll give you a few examples of those. Now, most of the time when we…
