From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Security Auditor

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Overview of common security frameworks

Overview of common security frameworks

- [Instructor] Securing an organization's digital assets is important. Many companies need direction on how to ensure that their data is protected properly. It's easy to become misled into thinking that having a secure firewall and antivirus is enough to protect their networks, but that just isn't the case. Securing an organization requires a deep level of effort to ensure that each and every aspect of the business is secured. Fortunately, it's not necessary for an organization to come up with a security program from scratch. This is where existing security frameworks can help. Aligning an organization security program against a strong security framework provides two things. It helps an organization understand where their gaps and weaknesses are, as well as strong points, and it provides a roadmap on how to best protect an organization from A to Z, ensuring that they have a complete security strategy in place. Having…
