From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Security Auditor

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NIST security framework

NIST security framework

- [Instructor] The National Institute of Standards and Technology has produced a cybersecurity framework called the NIST CSF. By aligning an organization against this framework, it allows for a full analysis of security gaps that the company may have. The NIST CSF can provide a full roadmap of building out an organization's security posture. Any organization can use this framework as a good baseline in order to protect their digital assets. The CSFs framework core is broken down into five major categories, identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. This isn't an in-depth course on the NIST CSF framework specifically so we're going to talk about each of these at a high level. But if you're interested in learning more, I've provided a handout with a few helpful links along with some other courses here in the LinkedIn Learning library. The identify category is designed to help an organization develop an organizational…
