From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Security Auditor

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How to communicate effectively as a security auditor

How to communicate effectively as a security auditor

From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Security Auditor

How to communicate effectively as a security auditor

- Communication is by far the most important aspect of being a Security Auditor. You can be an expert in cybersecurity, but without being able to effectively communicate to your target audience, it can be hard to be successful. One of the hardest jobs for a Security Consultant is to talk to the level of their audience. If you're talking to a stakeholder or business owner, they probably won't understand the technical language you're used to speaking. Technology enthusiasts often make the mistake of using too many acronyms and talking in a language that can't be understood by the receiver. That's why it's so important to understand your audience. For example, if you're talking to the web development team about security issues within their application, they'll certainly be more likely to understand a conversation about input sanitization, web application firewalls, or even secure coding. But if you were to have a conversation…
