From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Security Auditor

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Continuing on with security auditing

Continuing on with security auditing

- Congratulations, you've reached the end of the course. By now, you may have seen a few frameworks that you've become really interested in, and that's great. Now it's in your hands to continue to explore them. Take a look at the handouts I've provided you, as well as the notes you've written down about your own experiences throughout the course as a guide. If you're interested in diving deeper into any of the things we talked about here or other topics on cybersecurity, check out some of our other courses here in the LinkedIn Learning Library. You're just at the beginning of an extremely rewarding career. If you want to connect, follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube. I'm so excited to see you press forward as a security auditor.
