From the course: Crisis Communication Planning After a Ransomware or Other Cybersecurity Attack

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What to tell people after the attack

What to tell people after the attack

- [Instructor] Now at some point, your team is going to identify the source of the cyber breach and prevent the threat actors from causing more harm. In the cases of ransomware, this could take longer depending on the status of negotiations and the time it takes to restore the stolen data from backup files. But rest assured at some point, it will end. That doesn't mean, however, that your communications with your target audiences do. You've still got a lot of work to do in calming the anxiety of your employees, your customers, your partners, your investors, and other publics. Be sure to update your customers regularly on any information you can as to how your investigation is progressing and what you've uncovered. Organizations that don't take this concerted effort after the attack is over wind up getting back in the news and blogosphere. The tech company, SolarWinds, that blamed that employee for the extensive…
