From the course: Crisis Communication Planning After a Ransomware or Other Cybersecurity Attack

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Prepare your team to address a crisis

Prepare your team to address a crisis

- [Instructor] Even the best preventative plans are not foolproof. So what are some things you should do right away to prepare your crisis communication team when you experience a cybersecurity crisis? First, keep meeting with all those departments senior leadership and your crisis communication team about what has happened, and what new developments need to get conveyed to specific audiences. Don't let up after the first few days or hours, make sure you continually get that latest information to modify your plan. You can refer to the handout for the complete list of questions to ask departments from our chapter one video titled "Why Every Department Must Respond To A Cyber Attack," which can assist you in establishing communications. Then, something to do when you discover a breach is to immediately evaluate who your best spokespeople have been during the cyber attack, if you haven't already. Give regular feedback to…
