From the course: Crisis Communication Planning After a Ransomware or Other Cybersecurity Attack

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Determining who is on your team when a cyberattack occurs

Determining who is on your team when a cyberattack occurs

- [Instructor] Planning for how you'll communicate to audiences in a cyberattack means knowing who's on the team. Here's a spoiler alert. It's every department and you must interact with them all. Coordinating responses with all departments will help you calm the fears of audiences and preserving your reputation. The first department to engage is your legal team. Keep them involved in all of your communication activities and that will ensure that you keep the conversations confidential and protected as attorney-client privilege. That doesn't mean legal will have the final say in all press releases and official correspondence. However, they will be the department that you must collaborate and coordinate all responses. The next important groups to coordinate with are your IT and information security teams. Ideally, these two functions are separate departments. Interacting with both teams will help you understand all the…
