From the course: Crisis Communication Planning After a Ransomware or Other Cybersecurity Attack

Anyone can suffer a ransomware or other cyberattack

- [Dave] Imagine it's Sunday morning, and your phone buzzes, with your boss saying, "Our entire network has been attacked." Your mind starts racing as to how to tell your customers, your employees, your partners, and investors. More scary is the notion of what you should say. The reality is a cyber attack, such as ransomware, is likely to hit your organization and hold you hostage, taking down your network and reputation. No matter how big or small your company is, today's interconnected economy requires you to know how to respond to something like ransomware before you're attacked. And in this course, I'll walk you through a practical approach on to communicate through a cyber attack crisis. I'll explain the impact of cyber attacks. I'll outline the steps to employ in response to the ransomware and other cyber breaches. And we will cover ways you can evaluate and train before and after an attack. I'm Dave Oates. For 25 years, I have provided a wide array of crisis communication services that help individuals and organizations train to, prepare for, and communicate through unfavorable public matters to get you back to normal operations as quickly as possible. I really appreciate you joining me on this course. Let's get started.
