From the course: Creator Tools Weekly

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Protect your passwords with 1Password

Protect your passwords with 1Password - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Creator Tools Weekly

Protect your passwords with 1Password

- When your business is online, protecting your security is important. 1Password securely stores your passwords, helps you create strong ones, and lets you share passwords with team members when needed. Let's take a look. So to get started, we'll click on "Try 1Password Free". I'll hop over to my account, so I can show you how to set up your vaults. So you can think of a vault as a folder that houses different passwords and logins to your account. You're going to start by clicking on "New Vault", and 1Password gives you some suggestions for how to categorize your vaults. There's operations, finance, security, engineering, HR, or social, or you can click on "Custom" to create a custom category for your vault. For this one, let's say that I'm going to call this "Latasha's Personal Logins". And if you want to give it a description, you can do so. I really like to do this when I'm sharing this with the team members, so they…
