From the course: Creative Problem Solving for Technologists

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Manage inhibitions

Manage inhibitions

- [Instructor] Changing the scenery is not enough. If you change the scenery without changing your thinking, then you may reject useful ideas too quickly. And here you need to manage the inhibitions, the critics, and be willing to embrace the possibility of failure. There are at least two sets of critics: internal and external, and they require different management techniques. Internal critics and self-doubt are normal and natural. We need to observe them, accept them and persevere. The technique of gentle noting can be really helpful here. Say to yourself, or even out loud, "I see that I may be overnarrowing the problem. I'm going to explore it for a bit anyway." You're not silencing this critic. Acknowledging that it may have a point can help you work with it. Slamming the door, gives it energy. The external critics may be trying to be helpful. And similarly, you want to disarm them, not fight them. Make a list of the…
