From the course: Creative Problem Solving for Technologists

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Creativity tools abound

Creativity tools abound

- [Narrator] There's an awful lot of tools out there to help you be creative, and the keyword is awful. No, wait, the keyword is help, but let's start with awful. Most of them don't work most of the time because we expect the tool to do the work for us. The tool can't do the work any more than a workout app can make you buff. You can work out hard or you can phone it in. The tools can help. They can remind you to be silly, exploratory, open to difference. They can give you a nudge, and if you use them for nudging, they can be great. We're going to talk about two groups of tools in this chapter, tools that help you evolve something by changing it, adding something, or subtracting something, and tools that help you explore ideas. Let's get into them.
